Fighting Off Fat 

Fighting Off Fat 

By Brian Cannone If you are involved in the world of fitness modeling or bodybuilding shows you may really dread the arrival of the winter holidays. From November through the New Year it is a time of serious dietary trouble. This is why you have to “stay...
There are No Losers On Stage

There are No Losers On Stage

by Brian Cannone Whenever anyone competes in a competition your confidence comes from two sources; you and your friends, family and fans! Your friends and family come out to support you and help cheer you on in the competition to watch you bring home victory. With...
3 fat-burning pastas (pics and recipes inside)

3 fat-burning pastas (pics and recipes inside)

One of the biggest myths in the fat-loss industry is that carbs like pasta make you fat. Don’t get me wrong…unhealthy pastas (we’ll get to the 3 healthy ones in sec), and certain carbs can definitely cause more fat storage. They can also lead to insulin resistance and...
Dr. Squat Fred Hatfield

Dr. Squat Fred Hatfield

Co-Founder and President of The International Sports Sciences Association, an organization specializing in certifying personal fitness trainers worldwide, SportStrength Co., manufacturers of highest quality gym and fitness equipment, and ProPower, Inc., manufacturers...
The Digital Magazine

The Digital Magazine

In an ever changing world there always seems to be the newest and best coming out every other week! On the wave of the future is the E-Book. Online books have been around for a few years now as technology has changed the face of cell phones with all touch screens and...