
Enjoy the Finer Things in Life and Eat Well!
When you are trying to lose weight and to stay in top physical form, one of the most important things you need to improve is your diet. The best way for you to improve your diet is to think of it as enhancing your lifestyle. Do you like to enjoy the finer things in life? Why should your diet and eating habits be any different? Eating well is one of the many ways you can enhance your lifestyle and make you feel like royalty inside and out. You can feast over the best foods of quality and change your mind about junk food. You need to evaluate your eating habits and your diet in order to help eliminate the foods that are doing damage to your physical fitness and health regimen. Once you have determined just what foods you are eating that aren’t doing you any favors it will enable you to replace them with foods of a higher quality.
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Finding An Endorsement Contract
Finding an endorsement is no accident, or crapshoot; it requires a lot of work and preparation. By preparing yourself mentally for any and ALL possibilities and outcomes will help ensure your strength to keep going on your journey to attaining an endorsement contract! Making yourself available at any and all fitness events helps increase your success rate at spreading your name and reputation as a fitness professional! While keeping both of these essential points in mind when pursuing an endorsement, you also need to know how to get and KEEP the attention of a potential client. Using these tips and steps will help set you apart from the rest of the crowd and on to the fast track to getting an endorsement contract!
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Your Website and Your Fitness Brand
When you are trying to achieve a goal in any career that puts you in the spotlight you are going to need your own website. This is especially true in the fitness profession! You want to put your name out there and you want people to be able to look you up! Now, there...
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Is Second Place Still a Winner?
Brian Cannone
If there is something that personal trainers and fitness experts hate to hear it is the phrase “second place is for losers”. They hate this because anyone involved in fitness modeling, bodybuilding shows, and personal training understands that there are so many serious challenges faced and overcome by anyone who works out and strives to have a very strong and toned body.
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Are You Training or just Working Out
by John Barban Adonis Method If you’ve been paying attention to the diet and fitness industry you’ll notice that different workout styles come in and out of vogue. Most recently cross fit has become popular, but it will fade in time just like many other styles like...
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What is Your Ideal Body Proportion?
Have you ever wondered how you can tell when something is out of proportion? >>See what a true golden ratio looks like<< I'm sure you've seen a person who seems like their arms are just too short...or their legs are really short, or they have a long torso....
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Eat First Thing
By Brian Cannone Don’t wait to eat. Start as soon as you wake up- kick starting your metabolism – don’t wait to eat your first meal – egg whites, oatmeal fruit and water right away – don’t do anything else first. When you were a child what was one of the most popular...
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Being Your Own Fitness Publicist
The first thing that should be going through your mind when you are entering into a professional fitness career is your ultimate goal. What is your ultimate goal? This is the number one question that you need to have an answer to. If you do not know what your goal is...
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Competitor Or Fitness Brand?
by Brian Cannone This is Jack LaLanne... He started off as a physique competitor. And here is Tony Horton who has actually never competed (well, he is the guy pointing at me): Most physique contestants are personal trainers and are looking for ways to market their...
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How to Choose the Right Workout Finisher
By Mike Whitfield, CTT Author, Workout Finishers I am now back on a total body workout with a metabolic finisher after doing an upper lower-split program for 3 weeks. I will explain to you how I chose the right metabolic finisher in just a little bit, but first I’m...
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