You Know What Makes You Fat
by Brian Cannone Here is a fascinating little nugget of information – when people are told that they cannot have something to eat they crave that food more than ever before. This is why so many strict dieters suddenly fall off the proverbial wagon and go on a...
7 Day Sequence to Legitimately “Target” Lower Belly Fat
It’s not very often you come across a legitimate, science based method that can “target” lower belly and abdomen fat on ONLY 7 short days. But that’s exactly what my good friend Shaun Hadsall has designed. And right now he’s GIVING AWAY his most powerful rapid...
The #1 Exercise To INSTANTLY Get Stronger
I’ve been working in the gym business for over 20 years now. I’ve seen people come in that need to learn basic exercises and circuit training but I have to say this… I have never seen a world-champion powerlifter and strength coach teach people how...