It Isn’t Hard to Eat Healthy
By Brian Cannone It isn’t hard to eat healthy just adjust to eating foods you enjoy and sometimes your eating habits change. It’s like switching from light and sweet coffee and now drinking black coffee. When you are trying to keep your health and fitness...
Fitness Model Release Forms – Know The Details
by Brian Cannone If you are a fitness model, one thing you should be very conscious of is your images! There are many models that do not understand their rights to their images, or the details pertaining to any release forms. This can be devastating to any models...
#1 Tip For Warming Up Your Shoulders
Here’s an incredible tip I got from Injury Specialist Rick Kaselj, MS that is going to help your banged up shoulders feel better in just minutes. It is called vertical hanging. If it sounds self-explanatory it’s because it is. Here’s how to do it: Lift your arms...