Communicating Your Message, Be Clear On Your Goals
One thing you need to concentrate on as a fitness professional is whether you are clear on communicating your message to your clients. Your image and your professionalism is very important in the fitness industry. Your message is also just as important! What is it...
High Fiber Carbohydrates, Low Fat Protein, and Healthy Fats
by Brian Cannone When you are in the process of getting fit and losing weight every decision you makes will ultimately affect your results. From how often you work out, to the liquids you consume, down to the foods that you eat, and think about eating, all have a...
Compete Against Yourself And Always Win
by Brian Cannone There are many positive things that come from participating in a physique competition. But perhaps the most important factor of all is the self-confidence that it gives you! Each competition and each year that you compete brings you more challenges...