7 Simple Rules For What You Should Be Eating Right Now
By Nick Nilsson What you eat on a daily basis determines just about everything you can possibly imagine that goes with your body…your health, mental energy, body composition, athletic performance…you name it and what you eat has an impact on it. These 7...
Broiled, Boiled, Baked, Grilled, or Steamed?
By Brian Cannone You just finished doing some fitness modeling and are headed out to a meal with some of the other models. They all head to a place that does great seafood, and as you sit down at the table you get into a huge debate about the right way to ingest your...
3 Sexy Lean Body Workouts From the Titans of Fat Loss
By Craig Ballantyne, CTT Certified Turbulence Trainer Clash of the Titans Workouts Back in 2010 Turbulence Training teamed up with New York City’s hottest personal trainer, John Romaniello to create the advanced – and soon legendary – fat burning...