Fiber Burns Calories

Fiber Burns Calories

By Brian Cannone Eating high fiber is great because fiber takes energy for your body to process which burns more calories The process in which your body uses energy to burn calories and fat is one of the most efficient ways your body loses weight. Now you need to...
Eat, Train, Grow, Repeat

Eat, Train, Grow, Repeat

By Brian Cannone There is a huge amount of inconsistency in the world of information surrounding exercises and diet. If you are into fitness modeling or bodybuilding shows you already know that what “works” for someone else is not necessarily going to work...
Does Competition Breed Success

Does Competition Breed Success

By Brian Cannone As someone involved in the body-oriented industry of fitness modeling and bodybuilding shows you already know how the competition “drives” you. Did you realize that you can radically increase your chances for success when you identify just...
3 Unique Cheat Day “Tricks”

3 Unique Cheat Day “Tricks”

You Can Use These Tricks to Dramatically ACCELERATE Your Fat Loss By: Shaun Hadsall Author of The 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan Believe it or not, Strategic Cheat days, Structured Re-feeds, and Strategic Binging can be the ultimate weapons of physical and psychological...