Go Shopping with a List- Get In and Get Out
by Brian Cannone If you are on the long journey to losing weight and to stay fit you have most definitely run into your own set of problems and speed bumps along the way. One speed bump that most do not see coming, nor have even felt it when they went over it, but are...
Master Trainer Dolvett Quince
Dolvett Quince is 38 years old from Stamford, Connecticut and has been a personal trainer for over twelve years. Quince resides in both Atlanta, Georgia and Los Angeles, California, which gives him access to a celebrity clientele. Some of his notable celebrity clients...
3 Carb Depleting Tricks You Can Use to Double Your Fat-Loss After a Weekend Binge
By: Shaun Hadsall Author of the 14 Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan I think you’d agree that every person out there; you, me, EVERYBODY is going to “cheat” on their diet or go a little overboard on the weekends once in a while. It’s just human nature...