Built For Life: Motto for a New You

Built For Life: Motto for a New You

By Steve Holman Editor in Chief Iron Man Magazine and co-creator of the Old School New Body program Built for Life.” Kind of an interesting title, if you think about it, because it has two meanings. The first is staying in attention-grabbing muscular shape for as long...
Creating an Effective Nutritional Plan

Creating an Effective Nutritional Plan

How you eat has been said to determine up to 80 percent of the way you look. If you want to build muscle and stay lean you must follow an effective nutritional plan. Far too many people who are striving to achieve results stumble in this important aspect. By following...
Common Sense Fitness and Nutrition

Common Sense Fitness and Nutrition

Useful facts, concepts, techniques and strategies to help you achieve your fitness goals. 1. Make your goal – Fitness for Life. You will be much more successful if you approach bodybuilding and fitness preparation not as a short-term goal (i.e. 12 weeks out),...
How Bodybuilding.com Started

How Bodybuilding.com Started

The Very Beginning In 1995, I was fighting acne while the Internet was just starting to become popular. I was a big fan of computers and was lucky enough to be able to “get online” before a lot of my friends even knew what that meant. I was already dating...