2024 Fitness Atlantic
2024 Venue
The 2022 Fitness Atlantic was held at:
Mohegan Sun 1 Mohegan Sun Boulevard Uncasville,
Connecticut 06382

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This is now our 2nd year in the Cabaret Theater. We decided to follow with 2022 format with a Friday Transformation and a Saturday event. Leading into this year we found that some of our longtime coaches have moved out of the area and seems to be a rebuilding time. We knew we had some production things to fix up and had many meetings at Mohegan Sun to talk about the lighting to add to the moving lights. The overall numbers were down and 53 entered for Friday, Transformation Show, and 70 in the Saturday event. We came close to a sellout but just short with 35 remaining seats. Almost the entire show was a light show preprogrammed to each song. The production was noticeably better. We focused on better photography and better video.
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