Eat First Thing
By Brian Cannone Don’t wait to eat. Start as soon as you wake up- kick starting your metabolism – don’t wait to eat your first meal – egg whites, oatmeal fruit and water right away – don’t do anything else first. When you were a child what was one of the most popular...
Being Your Own Fitness Publicist
The first thing that should be going through your mind when you are entering into a professional fitness career is your ultimate goal. What is your ultimate goal? This is the number one question that you need to have an answer to. If you do not know what your goal is...
Competitor Or Fitness Brand?
by Brian Cannone This is Jack LaLanne… He started off as a physique competitor. And here is Tony Horton who has actually never competed (well, he is the guy pointing at me): Most physique contestants are personal trainers and are looking for ways to market their...