Maximum Muscle Mass Bodybuilding Program by Morris Mendez
natural bodybuilding

ATTENTION! FOR "SKINNY GUYS WHO CAN'T PUT ON MUSCLE MASS" : Are you following the so called "experts" advice and still not gaining the muscle mass you want fast enough? Frustrated from trying the latest "cutting-edge" supplements featured in the bodybuilding magazines? If so, then you need to listen up because you're about to.......

 Discover The Amazing Secrets Of A World Famous All Natural Pro Bodybuilder That Gained So Much Muscle Mass, Certain Competitions Won't Let Him On Stage Even Though He Passed The Drug Test!

Learn Exactly How To Pack On 35 Pounds Of Solid Muscle Mass In The Next 90-Days GUARANTEED!

"I'll show you how to plug all your muscle building desires into my instant muscle mass formula.
Want an extra
20-35 lbs. of muscle?
Just plug your information into my formula and
BOOM!, your body is instantly transformed right before your eyes!"

Build Muscle Mass Really Fast DISCLAIMER: What I'm about to reveal will piss a lot of people off. Supplement companies, bodybuilding magazines, health club owners, GNC, and so called "experts" won't like what I have to say because it turns the muscle building tables in your favor. Once you discover these secrets you won't be at their muscle mass building mercy anymore!

From the desk of Mo Mendez

Dear Future Easy Muscle Mass Gainer,

Imagine you had a "paint-by-numbers" formula for gaining muscle at your disposal.

Anytime you wanted to gain muscle weight'd simply plug in your personal numbers... and presto you'd reach ALL your muscle building goals automatically.

Want an extra 25 lbs. of muscle? Just use the formula.

Going to the beach soon...and you've only got 5 weeks? Use the formula.

Want to look good when you go to the pool, club, or shopping mall? Use the formula.

Have your eye on an ATTRACTIVE WOMAN who doesn't give you the time of day? Use the formula.

Each time you wanted to make a shocking transformation you could go back to this muscle building mass formula again and again.

Oh Man! Just think of the things you could do...

  • Dominate Your Sport
  • Feel more attractive
  • End the cries of "You're too skinny!"
  • Turn the tables on your enemies
  • Skyrocket your confidence

And much more...

Is A Muscle Building Mass Formula
Like This Possible?

If you'd have asked me 3 years ago if a muscle building mass formula like this existed I would have said HE*L NO.

And I've yet to see anything else to change my mind.

That is until study after study started coming out showing different tricks and techniques which proved to be very powerful muscle builders that can help you pack on muscle mass.

It started off with the one in the British Journal of Cancer about a simple supplement formula which packed on 6.6 lbs. of muscle on cancer patients--while they were losing weight!

Then more studies came out...

Like the one on how to increase your growth hormone and testosterone levels all naturally (inside your body) with a particular "style" of workout.

I Started To See A Way To Combine The Muscle Building Power Of These Tricks And Wanted To See If An Automatic Muscle Mass System Which Would Work--Even On The Skinniest Of Guys...

Build Muscular Mass With the Maximum Mass Muscle Building ProgramA system so powerful it can overcome your skinny genes with the flip of an anabolic switch.

Once "flipped" your body would unleash a flood of muscle building hormones through out your entire body--turning you from a hardgainer to an easy gainer within 24 hours.

And the best part is...the skinnier you are the better this system works.

There's one HUGE benefit to being skinny the bodybuilding experts, magazines, and websites have overlooked.

And this benefit allows you to use your skinny genes to literally unleash a muscle growing machine within your body.

In the next 5 minutes I'll reveal to you the muscle mass system that will do just that.

New "Sure Fire" Muscle Gain
System Discovered By Bloomfield, CT
Mystery Man

First, though, let me introduce myself.

My name is Morris Mendez. You may know me as professional natural bodybuilder. I'm also a trainer of other bodybuilders and I'm happy to say I've had some success as one. Not to brag but, I've personally helped over 5,000 bodybuilders worldwide with my bodybuilding nutrition, training, and supplement secrets.

Some of my bodybuilding accomplishments include:

  • Been On The Cover of Muscle & Fitness Magazine
  • Earned My Pro Card Winning the 2000 Musclemania
  • I'm A Published Bodybuilding Author

Maximum Muscle Mass with Morris MendezBut here's the part about me that will interest you most...

I've kept most of my top "breakthrough" secrets to building muscle to myself. I did it because quite frankly it's one of the reasons other bodybuilders seek me out for advice. My bread and butter so to speak. Revealing these secrets would be like shooting myself in the foot.

But all that has changed...

I'm now revealing all my top muscle building secrets on instant growth of muscle mass.

Maximum Muscle Mass With Morris MendezWhy am I doing this now? Because the bodybuilding industry has "sprung up"with a lot of me too competitor's and I've got to up the stakes.

That's why I am the only person who will tell you these muscle building secrets. I can piss off anyone I want and not have to worry about it. Before I would have to worry about the magazines and whether they would allow my information to be published because it went against their supplement sales, but NOT ANYMORE!

I reveal all my jealously guarded mass building secrets in my new 12-Week bodybuilding system called The Maximum Muscle Mass Program. These are the same secrets used by those on the inside to grow bigger and pack on slabs of muscle quickly and easily without any risk.

Mo Mendez Before and After Utilizing the Maximum Muscle Mass Program

I knew that to get my system out to the world I'd need help and that's when I called on my friend Brian Cannone the owner of Brian read the book over and new it would be a big hit so he agreed to sell it on his Web site. Quite often when I'm at the gym working out people are watching me and come up to me ask me what they can do to get so big. I don't mind, I love my fans and really appreciate all the support. However the question they ask is not something I can explain in 5-minutes. That's why I've spent the last few years writing it all down, creating a plan that anyone can follow. You want to know what the muscle mass program includes, well read on...

Introducing the Ultimate Muscle Mass System Finally Revealed

The Maximum Muscle Mass Program is a high-speed weight gain program for skinny guys who can't put on muscle mass.

The reason it works so well is because it combines nutrition, weight lifting, and supplements into one powerful system.

Here is what you will discover:

Part 1- The Maximum Muscle Mass Nutrition Program

  • Find your resting calorie burning power
  • Discover your activity level
  • Add in calories for muscle growth

Part 2- The Maximum Muscle Mass Training Program

  • Discover 2 exercises a top powerlifting gym credits for adding up to 37 lbs. of muscle
  • How to unleash buckets of testosterone and growth hormone into your body with these training principles

Part 3- The Maximum Muscle Mass Supplement Stack

  • New supplement will put up to 20 lbs. of muscle on your body in only 8 weeks!

Order the Maximum Muscle Mass Program

A Completely Different Approach To Muscle Mass Development That You Can Use To Pack On Up To
25-35 lbs. Of Muscle
In Only 12-Weeks!

Detonate your muscle mass growth rate by tricking your body with these nutrition, training, and supplement secrets:

  • How to gain as much muscle mass as you want with this "3 x 5 index card trick" . Now you can trick your body's nervous system into gaining all the muscle you want. Want to gain 25 lbs. of muscle? Simply plug your goal into this system and presto your body will automatically reach your goal-without even having to think about it!
  • The secret muscle building discovery made while eating at McDonald's that will pack muscle on the skinniest of guys without getting fat
    Fast Muscle Mass Gaining Secrets
  • What out of date supplement helped me put 9 lbs. of muscle in 2 weeks and became the muscle building magic of this muscle gain program
  • How to use the 3-Part Ultimate Muscle Weight Gain Formula to guarantee your body packs on muscle whether it wants to or not! All successful bodybuilding programs are based on this principle. If you've tried everything and nothing seemed to work you've been violating this rule and here's how to fix that!
  • Details of the exact step-by-step process I went through to gain 7 lbs. of muscle in only 7 days! And I actually looked leaner than I did the 7 days before I used this trick
  • What a scientific study revealed about taking protein that can switch you from a hardgainer to an easy muscle gainer overnight! (Hint: Most experts recommend far too low a protein intake. If you are taking 1 gram per pound of bodyweight and stil not growing here's why)
  • The one huge mistake all bodybuilders make in their diet that guarantees they won't gain an ounce of muscle... and how to turn it to your advantage that will give you an instant muscle boost in the first 7 days you start using it
  • A simple trick not 1 in 1000 bodybuilders know about that will guarantee you an additional 1-2 lbs. of muscle weight a week
  • 9 "anabolically charged natural foods" that will help you build more muscle mass than anything else you could use, including creatine, prohormones, and any other bodybuilding supplement on the market!
  • More than 52 different all natural foods that can release the ultimate anabolic hormone for muscle growth in your body
  • How to use the "customization principle" to over ride your body's desire to stay the same weight. This is the one mistake all bodybuilding nutrition experts make and once you correct it you can easily gain up to 3 lbs. of muscle weight a week!
  • A simple trick to pack on up to 10 lbs. of muscle in only 5 weeks when you add this one ingredient to your diet. It's in your fridge right now and can switch your bodybuilding into overdrive once you start using it


Bennett Streets Bodybuilder and Personal Trainer Morris Mendez has been helping me for years. The same things he has taught me he explains in the book Maximum Muscle Mass. I can vouch that the program, the nutrition, the supplements and everything Mo explains is right on the money. I'm a competitive bodybuilder and I've used the principles from this eBook to prepare for many contests. If you want to add some rock solid muscle mass as quickly as possible than this is the right system for you. Just look at Mo's photos. To get a body like that drug-free you have to know what you're talking about.

In 12-Weeks I put on a solid 20 pounds of lean muscle without increasing my body fat percentage at all!

Bennett Streets
Natural Bodybuilder / Personal Trainer


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Maximum Muscle Mass Program 

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Brian Cannone Highly Recommends Maximum Muscle Mass Fellow athletes, First I would like say hello and Thank You to all of the viewers out there and I am extremely excited about the debut of the Morris Mendez’s new eBook “Maximum Muscle Mass”. If you love lifting weights like all of us here at Fitness Atlantic I know you are going to enjoy the book.

I have had the chance to become great friends with Mo Mendez and hope you get the chance to know him as I do. He loves the sport of bodybuilding and everything that goes with it from the training, nutrition and sports supplements. I am happy to promote the Maximum Muscle Mass book as it is filled with 180 pages of useful information for athletes to follow.

All the titles, shows, photos, and videos are not as fulfilling as helping other athletes realize their dreams and succeed.


How would you like to grow new muscle
every time you go to the gym?


Would you like to be able to see your body change every time you look in the mirror? Now you can with these never before revealed training secrets no one shared with you before:

  • What is the maximum time limit you should use to stay in the gym. WARNING: If you go over this limit you will actually lose muscle mass!
  • Discover these 2 exercises the top powerlifting gym in the world uses to gain 30-40 lbs. of muscle
  • How to structure your workout so you gain maximum muscle and get ripped at the same time by cutting this training variable in half
  • Why you should never follow the training routines in the bodybuilding magazines and discover the training programs they don't feature in the muscle mags which produce amazing results!

Build Muscle Mass Really Fast with Maximum Muscle MassThere's so much information, I couldn't possibly list it all here. And that's why I'm offering you my private collection of 235+ muscle building tips on a completely risk-free basis. It's my new 181 page E-book called the Maximum Muscle Mass.

With this information you will get the exact system I used to acheive these goals. You'll have the satisfaction of watching your body transform from day-to-day with your new muscle growth.

You'll join a select few who know how to use supplements, training, and nutrition to get their body's to do anything they wish.

My system is yours

Here's the best news of all: you made it here just in time to take advantage of an unprecedented offer. (But please don't tell my existing customers about this.)

It's part of a marketing test that's got my accountant up in arms; he thinks I'm crazy to offer this below our normal risk-free price of $99.95. But because the internet has reduced many of our costs, I'm doing a test and passing our savings on to you. Depending on how it affect sales, we may or may not continue the special discount.

However, if you order this e-book online it's yours risk-free for only $97 $47 . (less than what most of you will spend on one bottle of supplements) And trust me, any one of my secrets will pay for it, or you can return it for a 100% refund. (Read the details of my guarantee below.)

And just to make sure I give you more value I'll throw in
6bonuses valued at least $167.00 if you order today

5 "Special Mass Building Reports" + 1 Bonus DVD!

Bonus #1: A "Fool's Idea" Weight Gain Trick

This little trick is for the dedicated only. A lot of bodybuilders will not even attempt to try this for fear of having to put too much effort into their bodybuilding efforts. That is a shame. This little trick alone could change your bodybuilding progress forever.

If you are currently stuck at the same body weight then this is the trick for you. Blast through your weight gain rut and gain at least 1 lb. of muscle per week with this secret

Value ($20)

Unleashed Increase Testosterone Naturally

Bonus #2: Unleashed
Harnessing The Power Of Testosterone

Power-packed manual that provides you with the most up-to-date scientific solutions available ANYWHERE for naturally increasing your body's own testosterone levels WITHOUT the aid of supplements or steroids!

The insight you gain in this 42 page manual will change the way you see bodybuilding forever as you move from the stale old routines of "lift this...this many times" to a full understanding how to conquer the one hormone that has the power to make or break your ability to grow muscle like crazy!

Value ($27)

8 Things You Must Do To Gain Maximum Muscle

Bonus #3: 8 Things You Must Do To Gain Mass

A great report by Sean Nalewanyj. There is so much misleading information out there, and in this book Sean is going to provide you with 8 basic, simple steps that you can utilize on your journey to increased muscle mass and strength. This report is a perfect fit for anyone using maximum muscle mass book.

Value ($15)

Mission Abdominals - Mass With Abs!

Bonus #4: Mission Abdominals

Once you have all the muscle mass you need, you gotta make sure those abs are revealed. In this candid and revealing interview, David Grisaffi, an in-the-trenches fat loss and abdominal training expert and author of the best-selling ebook Firm and Flatten Your Abs, interviews fat loss expert and best selling author Tom Venuto.

These fat loss pros discuss what it really takes to uncover your abdominals, and the reasons why it takes more than hundreds of situps and crunches to succeed.

Value ($30)

20 Mass Building Sins That Stop You From Your Weight Gain Goals

Bonus #5: Mass Building Sins

Jason Ferruggia is one of the most popular authors. His eReport covers, The Top 20 Mistakes That Kill Your Muscle Gains...And How to Avoid Them. It's a controversial report about the biggest mistakes people make when trying to build a ripped, muscular physique.

Value ($35)


Beyond Built DVD starring Mo mendez

(While Supplies Last)

This is a physical product that will be mailed to you! The behind the scenes training and preparation right up until Mo’s overall win at the 2003 Musclemania Atlantic! Mo shares his secrets in this exciting new DVD release.

This documentary covers Mo's nutrition, diet, supplements, and training. Get behind the scenes and find out what it takes to become a pro natural bodybuilder. This item alone sells for the same price as the program and you get it free with your purchase!

Value ($40)

When you click on the button below, you'll be taken to a secure order page for your credit card information, We use a third party secure processing company so your order information is kept completely confidential -- only the processing company and your credit card company access the information.

Your order is processed immediately, and you'll get access to the e-book right after you fill out the form. You will also get receipt for your purchase with a transaction number sent to you by email.

When you get the e-book, scan it a couple of times and read the parts that jump out at you right away then go back and read it cover to cover. Try some of the strategies for a few weeks. You'll notice a difference in the mirror right away. You'll use the e-book as a constant reference on your way to all your muscle gain goals.


"I love to train I love to be the best I can be to me its not just the gym or getting on stage its about showing people a lifestyle that is healthy not only for your heart and lungs but for you mind as a whole. Don't let anybody tell you hard work doesn't pay off. If you are just starting out you need the right sources and none are better than Mo Mendez new ebook "Maximum Muscle Mass".

Nick Navarro Was Inspired By Mo You Can Be Too!

His step by step approach opens up his secrets to the world. If you have ever seen Mendez in person you can't be without this book. From nutrition to training he covers all fields and tells you all you need to know to pack on solid mass. Why make all the mistakes when Mo has made them for you already. He tells you exactly what you need to know and it is that plain and simple. Follow what Mo has took over ten years to perfect and you cant go wrong.

Thanks to Mo I can have the dream to put on quality size without the use of Steroids and other substances."

Nick Navarro
Natural Bodybuilder


Still Not Sure? Here's My 100%, Walk Away,
"No Hard Feelings," No Fuss, Full
Money Back Guarantee!

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I'm so convinced that you'll be absolutely delighted with youre-book that I'm prepared to give you an iron-clad, 60-day, "Take-It-Or-Leave-It," totally outrageous GUARANTEE.

This "impossible-to-turn-it-down" guarantee is simple:

Try our 12-Week Maximum Muscle Mass Program out for a full 60 days, read through the entire e-book, download all of the bonuses, and use the step-by-step worksheets.

If you don't gain huge amounts of muscle you can get every penny back. In other words, if you're not totally delighted with the techniques you've learned, drop me a line...

I'll refund your $47, right there, on the spot!

Simply put, I'll gladly issue you a refund and we'll part as friends, no harm done. What could be fairer than that?


If you order now
you are getting the complete package
valued at $214 for only $97 $47



Title   Included For FREE In This Offer      Cost if Bought Seperately   
Maximum Muscle Mass Program$47
Weight Gain Trick$20
8 Mass Gain Rules$15
Mission Abs$30
Mass Building Sins$35
Beyond Built DVD$40
TOTAL if bought seperately:N/A$214


Hurry and order now before the price goes up! With all these power packed muscle mass building tips I'm going to be raising the price back to $97.00 soon so you must act now!


If you want the guaranteed price of only $47 then
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online with the secure order form.

Maximum Muscle Mass Fast

Instant Muscle Mass Quick
Order Over Our Secure Server

Maximum Muscle Mass Program - Only $47
Includes All Bonuses - A $214 Value

Weight Gain Muscle Training Workout For Maximum Mass

Helping You Become A Monster,

Helping you become a muscle mass monster
Mo Mendez
Pro Natural Bodybuilder

P.S. : Think about what this information is worth to you. The $47 you invest is less than 1 supplement bottle and a bargain compared to what it would cost to have a customized weight gain program designed for you from a persoanl trainer let alone an expert like me.

P.P.S.: Still unsure? I believe this information can change your life. Thats why I'm going to tell you what you will be missing if you don't order now.

What happens to you if you
don't order now

1. You will miss out on a proven muscle building program. Everyone else who orders will get ahead of you by gaining more muscle. When it's time to take your shirt off at the beach you will regret that you didn't order this.

2. The price will rise! That is a fact. I am using the $47 as a promotion price to get started and since this information is in e-book form there are no printing costs for me. But if people start asking for it in hard cover form I might discontinue the e-book and print out a hard copy version. If I do this the price will go up to atleast $97.

3. This offer will not last, but if you order now, you'll be guaranteed to get all future additions and updates at no extra charge and you'll get all bonuses reports too. These alone are worth more than the $47 you will invest. Don't miss out - order now!

To quickly get your e-book click on the link below to go to the secure order form:

If you want the guaranteed price of only $47 then
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Muscle Building Program by pro bodybuilder Mo Morris

order your muscle building program for huge muscle mass gains
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Maximum Muscle Mass Program - Only $47
A $214.00 Value Including FREE BONUS Reports & Mo DVD!

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Note: The Maximum Muscle Mass Program is a downloadable eBook. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-book and all the bonus reports onto your computer. The eBook format is adobe acrobat PDF.

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